Friday, September 14, 2007

At long last ^__^

Well, it's official now! Solstice is now available for purchase through Tragical Mirth Publishing! Yay! Gotta make this short since I'm about ready to keel over from exhaustion. But it looks like everything is up and running as it should.

I think I'm too tired to be really excited, but I am kind of relieved that the launch has gone according to the schedule I set.

So I hope you'll stop by, and I hope you'll pick up a copy! You won't be disappointed! Oh, and special thanks to my bro for designing the animated banner, and to my friend and co-worker Mike D. for coming up with those last-minute "order now" buttons.

1 comment:

Tsubashi said...

Yay! No more waiting... except for the book to arrive ^^'