Monday, March 10, 2008

A new (and narcissistic) way to promote the book!

Okay, so I know I’ve neglected this blog. And my friends. And my family. And my e-mail contacts (gomenasai, Tsubashi-san!). And everything. But I hope things get better now. That’s because I’ve completed the first step of my new wave of marketing for Solstice. What is it? My own personal web site ^^;

Yep. I’ve taken the plunge into narcissism and created my own web site, Normally, this isn’t the kind of thing I’d want to do. I’m too low-key a person to have ever envisioned a url based on my name. But alas, every book marketing book says that an author site is a must. So there you have it.

Building the thing was a nightmare. It’s been years since I designed and built my own web site, and over the past week or so, I was reminded of why I stopped doing so in the first place. It’s a long and tedious process. Very. Very tedious. Creating all the graphics took me the better part of last week. Actually building the site and its many components took virtually the entire weekend. But it’s done, at least. Yay. So if you’d like to stop by and learn a bit more about yours truly, please stop by! The URL is…well… ^_^;

I’m especially happy now that I finally got that done. Because now I’m free to return to Inventing Vazquez. It’s been weeks since I finished the first round of edits, and I’m itching to get started anew and improve upon the first draft. And I hope to start an agent search in earnest by the end of April.

So that’s it for now. This week I’ll also be working on a new promo banner for Solstice, because my friend Don over at Quiet Earth let me know of a cool banner exchange program that will help me promote the book on other sites. For free. Which is kind of nice given my still-non-existent marketing budget ^_^; But hey, we do what we can. That’s about all we can expect.

Oh, one final note. Acid Mothers Temple, the Japanese band who allowed me to use their song, “Pink Lady Lemonade” for the Solstice trailers, is coming back to town later this month. My friends and I are planning to go. I also plan to take a copy of the book and give it to Kawabata Makoto, the band’s guitarist. He was the one, after all who gave me permission to use the song ^_^

Okay, short babble this time. Hopefully, I’ll be better about updating this blog from here on out.

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