Thursday, June 14, 2007

Moving along

It’s been a while since I updated this thing. With the official start of the marketing blitz for Solstice only two weeks away, things are definitely picking up.

For starters, the book trailer is done. And, thanks to some nice voice recordings provided by some supportive friends, the end result is something that has been called “gripping,” “intense,” “intriguing,” and “professional.” I used a lot of different kinds of stock photography from and similar sites to pull off the visual narrative. And I used some sound editing software to create some very creepy sound effects. In any event, I’ll be posting that trailer on this blog, on my site, and on YouTube on July 1, so hopefully it’ll have the reaction I’m hoping for (“Wow, your book sounds great!” vs. “Uh-huh, and you printed how many of these things?”).

Second, I’m now in the proofing stages with my printer, Edwards Brothers. Yesterday I sent them the okay on the actual text part, and tomorrow I’ll be going to Ann Arbor to finalize the details on the cover. Turns out the proof of the cover was a little too red for my artist’s tastes. She recommended I show them the original painting so that the printers get a better sense of the color matching. So after tomorrow, I can officially, 100% say that the book is in print.

Third, since the book will be ready within six weeks, I have to start prepping the next round of review packets. Who knows if any of the ones I sent with the bound galleys will be reviewed, but hopefully some of my target publications will be intrigued by the book and the materials I’ve enclosed in these packets.

Regardless, it’s a real thrill to know that, sometime in July, I’ll have my first novel in my hands.

Now I just need to figure out where I’m going to fit all of them ^__^;

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